Fordham Primary School

Fordham Primary School

school development plan

Throughout the year, children's learning is assessed and monitored.  From the final outcomes in July along with the knowledge of the school, a development plan is written for the forthcoming year.  Children, staff and governors have an input into this plan and associated actions to complete throughout the year.

The aim of the school development plan is to improve outcomes for children on an academic and a pastoral level.  

Please see below for this year's school development plan targets. 

School Development Plan 2024 - 2025 Summary

Quality of Education focus:

- To ensure that SEND pupils receive the help they need to overcome any challenges they face, especially within the classroom ensuring they are learning as well as their peers.

- To further improve the provision of writing so that all pupils make good progress.

Behaviour and Attitude focus:

- To improve the attendance of all pupils, particularly our most vulnerable and ensure we are working to the statutory expectations

- To ensure there is safe play during breaktimes/lunchtimes


Personal Development focus:

- To further develop opportunities for all, particularly our most vulnerable, in order to lead healthy, happy lives


Leadership and Management focus:

- To implement and embed new management systems effectively

- To further develop communication between school-home 


Last year's SDP:

SDP Summary 2023 - 2024


Our Flourishing Tree

Our Flourish tree encourages children to grow, develop and Flourish through their time at Fordham. At the start of each new academic year, we ask our children to reflect on what their hopes and aspirations for the year are. Every leaf has an aspirational target written by our pupils themselves promoting them to be ambitious and adventurous! The flowers at the bottom have the names of our Early Years children who will grow and add to the tree as they progress through school.