Fordham Primary School

Fordham Primary School

The Governing body

The Governing Body (also known as the Full Governing Body) acts as an important link between the school, parents / carers and the local community so that the school can grow from strength to strength every single year.

The three main functions of the Governing Body are to:

- provide strategic leadership

- act as a critical friend

- monitor and gather evidence to show what progress has been made towards the school development plan

The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013 says that "the 'board of governors’ should operate at a strategic level, leaving the head teacher and senior school leaders responsible and accountable to it for the operational day-to-day running of the school.  The board should avoid its time being consumed with issues of secondary importance.

To carry out their strategic functions, the governors attend meetings at least termly and complete activities such as learning walks and pupil perception interviews.  Our governors come from a range of backgrounds but all have a vested interest in the school's progression. 

We have an instrument of government which outlines the key principles of the governing body's remit and the overall vision for the school. This is read and agreed with at the beginning of each academic year. 

School Instrument of Government

Adopted by the Full Governing Body, 28th November 2016

Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.  The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.  It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.

Fordham C of E Constitution

Standards Terms of Reference 

Resources Terms of Reference

We warmly welcome your comments and feedback about our school and, as parents, your involvement with the Governing Body. If you would like to contact any of our governors, please contact Mrs. Wells, our Clerk of Governors, who will happily support your request:

Telephone: 01638 720296              Email: 

Our Chair of Governors, Laura Cox-Watson, is also available. Her email address is:

Please see below full details of our current Governing Body. Click on the picture to find out more about them.

  • Mrs. L. Cox-Watson
    Chair of Governors
  • Mr. R. Seal
    Vice-Chair of Governors
  • Mr. K. O'Connell
    Associate Governor
  • Mr. S. Moffat
  • Mrs. I. Newport-Mangell
    Local Authority
  • Mrs. S. Hacking
    Parent Governor
  • Mr. B. Caves
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs. K. Pettit
    Parent Governor
  • Miss. D. Rankin
  • Mrs. C. Bramley
    Staff Governor
  • Mrs. D. Shipp
  • Mr. D. Labeeb
  • Mrs. J. Huffer
  • Mrs. C. George
Standards Resources
Name Category Appointing Body Committee Other Functions Date of Appointment Term of Office
Mrs. Laura Cox-Watson Foundation ED




Chair of FGB

Safeguarding and Inclusion link

Appraisal, English, Phonics, SEN, RE, Pupil Premium Champion, PREVENT, LGBTQ+

01/09/2024 (Governor)

Elected 19.09.2024 (Chair)

Elected annually

Mr. Robert Seal Co-Opted GB




Chair of Standards

Data working party

PE, Computing, H&S Link

12/03/2024 (Governor)

19.09.2024 (Vice-Chair)

Elected annually

Mr. Kevin O'Connell Associate GB





15/09/2021 4 years
Mrs. Isobel Newport-Mangell Local Authority LA Standards



05/12/2023 4 years
Mrs. Sarah Hacking Parent AE Standards

Forest School, Early Years

PSHE, School Council


01/12/2020 4 years
Mr. Stewart Moffat Co-Opted GB Resources

DT, Science

23/11/2022 4 years
Mr. Ben Caves Parent Governor PE



Curriculum, History

Data working party

Link Training Governor

25/11/2020 4 years
Mrs. Deborah Shipp Foundation ED



Pupil Premium


05/07/2023 4 years
Mrs. Julia Huffer Co-Opted GB


Chair of Resources


01/03/2023 4 years
Mr. Daniyal Labeeb  Co-Opted GB



01/07/2024 4 years
Miss. Debbie Rankin Associate (Headteacher) GB FGB 01/04/2020
Mrs. Chantal Bramley Staff Governor SE FGB Resources, Standards, Data Working Party, English, School Council 07/02/2023 4 years
Mrs. Claire George Co-Opted GB Standards Art  12/03/2024 4 years



LA - Local Authority

AE - Auto-elected (when there is a single parent applicant / nomination)

GB - Governing Body

ED - Ely Diocese / Fordham parish

PE - Parental election

SE - Staff election