Collective Worship
This year, we have based our collective worship using material from The Diocese of Ely which consists of a theme, relevant Bible reading, a message, activity and prayers.
The value in an individual act of worship is determined by the Bible text studied that week. Each half term will contain acts of worship on all 6 new Christian values (Hope, Community, Dignity, Wisdom, Joy and Peace) and links closely with our school values: FLOURISH, FAITH and FRIENDSHIP. Our Collective Worship is delivered both in person and pre-recorded (Tuesday) and enjoy a weekly celebration of music.
We have a new school prayer written in culmination with pupils:
Dear God,
Help us learn to have faith in all we do,
Help us to flourish in every step we take,
Help us build strong friendships with those around us
And fill our world with love, peace and kindness.
Please click to see our Collective Worship policy
Millions of adults and children in churches and schools right across the world pray a prayer as part of their worship that Jesus himself taught his followers. We call it 'The Lord's Prayer'. The Lord's Prayer is a prayer of hope for the world. To help us understand the different parts of the Lord's Prayer, we have been practicing it in British Sign Language.
Click here to listen to the Lord's Prayer
Throughout the year, we have a range of visitors and events that support our Christian vision. We explore other faiths during RE lessons so that children are taught to question and enquire about the world around them.