Art and Design
Art Curriculum Map Art & Design Progression of Skills
Our Art and Design curriculum allows pupils to nurture their creativity. Pupils will be inspired by the work of artists/craftspeople throughout history and from different cultures. This experience will inform their own ideas. They will create 2D art, such as drawing, painting and printing, and 3D projects, including sculpture and collage. They will develop their understanding of colour, form, line, pattern, shape, texture and tone within their work. Throughout this process, they will learn to evaluate and think critically.
Pupil Voice
“Being creative is important.”
“Art is important to send out messages to people. It can show what you want to do and what you want to stop. Guernica was made because people wanted to stop war.”
“I get to let my feelings out onto the paper. I can show what I feel.”
“It makes me feel calm and it’s fun!”
“In the past, some people communicated through pictures, like hieroglyphics. You need to understand art to know what they were saying.”
“You can express yourself differently to how you express yourself in writing.”
“It’s never boring because there are so many different styles to try.”
“It’s nice to get fresh air when we are doing art. It helps you to relax and create.”
“Art feels more natural when you are outside.”
“When you are drawing nature, being outside brings it to life.”