Geography Curriculum Map Geography Progression of Skills
Through geography, we hope that our pupils will become fascinated by the world around them. We will develop children’s contextual understanding of the world through exploring different locations, environments, people and resources. Pupils will discover how landscapes have been formed and changed over time, exploring the relationship between natural/physical features. They will examine a range of geographical sources (including maps, photographs and digital information systems) and develop fieldwork skills (such as collecting, analysing and communicating data).
Pupil Voice
“You need to know where places are when you are older.”
“Geography gives you a better understanding of the world.”
“If you are stuck with no internet and can’t use Google Maps, you need to know how to read a proper map.”
“Learning about rivers, volcanoes and oceans keeps you safe.”
“If you want to visit other countries, you need to know what they are like.”
“You need to find out about the environment so you can help the earth.”
“You might find out about a place where you would like to live.”
“When you learn about temperatures and climates, you know what clothes to wear if you visit that location!”