Fordham Primary School

Fordham Primary School


History Curriculum Map

History Progression of Skills

Our history curriculum inspires fascination and curiosity, encouraging pupils to feel connected to the past. It helps pupils to understand the process of change within their local area, country and the wider world and provides opportunity to marvel at the richness and diversity of human culture. History teaches children empathy, how to ask questions, weigh evidence and consider validity. Pupils will establish a coherent sense of chronology and make comparisons across periods studied. Crucially, in learning about the past, they will also learn about themselves and the world in which they live.




Pupil Voice

"I like history. It's fun learning about the past and why things happened. It means I will understand the world when I'm older."

"If we learn about what happened in the Blitz, we can try and story wars in the future."

"I like learning when people have done things differently and also about the similarities to now." 

"History is from the past but it helps us now." 

"We learnt how people didn't let their differences stop them. We should all be treated equally. It's what is inside that counts."

"I really enjoyed the Black History workshop and learnt so much. I realised there is so much more to Black History than I knew. We learn to never give up and to persevere. Make your dreams come true." 

"I really enjoyed the African singing and dancing because I haven't done that before." 

 WW1 Remembrance Day

Every year, Year 5 lead us in our Remembrance Service at the village war memorial. As part of their History lessons, they find out how the war affected Fordham, Soham and Newmarket. 

Examples of work from Black History Week