Fordham Primary School

Fordham Primary School

Key Stage 1

EYFS to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Progression 

Curriculum maps 2024 - 2025

Please note that our Long Term Curriculum Maps are reviewed termly. 

Year 1 

Bumblebees and Butterflies


Autumn 1

Autumn 2


Long Term Curriculum Map

Year 2

Rabbits and Raccoons 



Long Term Curriculum Map

 Please check out this page for further information regarding phonics


Year 1 Continuous Provision: 

As your child moves out of Reception into Year 1, we will continue to do Continuous provision in the Autumn Term to help make the transition smoother. Research tells us that children aged 5 and 6 years old learn best through concrete, practical and contextualised experiences. Continuous provision is the term given to resources which have been carefully chosen to create an enabling environment in which children can explore and learn. These resources are safe for children to explore independently, are continuously accessible and are resources which can continue children’s learning in the absence of an adult. Children should be able to explore and play with the resources which will allow for the continuing development of creativity, problem solving, reasoning, communication and language.

Within a week, every child will learn through whole class teaching inputs, focus group/individual work, adult-initiated challenges and child-initiated learning facilitated by an adult supporting provision. Each week, children will be encouraged to complete challenges that link to the coverage of curriculum outcomes or the development of skills. To begin with, they will be expected to complete 2 challenges per week.

A range of methods will be used to capture the children’s learning. Evidence will be captured photographically and recorded on Seesaw and work will be put into their subject books or displayed on their own space on the class working wall.

Each term, a topic homework menu is provided to complement the year group topic. We hope that your children enjoy completing these projects to explore their topic further. At the end of each term, the projects are displayed in the hall for all the children to see. 


 Key Stage 1 Playground