Fordham Primary School

Fordham Primary School

Did you know....about data?

Data and how we ensure it is valid


We thought it would be useful to explain to parents how we know that our data is valid. Throughout the year we meet with other schools and look at a range of books together; this is called moderation.  This helps us to ensure that the children’s work is appropriately pitched and in line with national expectations.


On top of this, different subjects are monitored regularly by Miss. Rankin and the subject leaders. They are looking for excellent presentation, consideration of the year group’s objectives, a range of learning styles and appropriate challenge for the children.  Feedback is given to all staff.  Pupil perception interviews and learning walks are carried out by senior leaders, governors and subject leaders to check what is happening in different subjects at various points in the day.  We look at the quality of displays, the learning behaviour of the children and the relationships between teachers and their pupils.

External Invigilation and Moderation

The testing period falls between May and June. This is when we start to finalise our data set for children in Year 2 and Year 6.  For the other year groups, including Early Years, the data set is completed for the end of year and recorded in the Annual Reports issued each July.

Year 6 statutory tests for Maths and Reading are sent off for external marking; only writing is teacher assessed through internal marking.

External Local Authority advisors visit schools at different points within the summer testing period to:

  • Ensure that papers are sealed (before the tests) and no tampering has taken place.
  • Ensure that children’s used / unused papers are locked aware securely.
  • Check that tests are being administered correctly for Year 6 and for Year 1 phonics.
  • Check the appropriate access arrangements applied for individual children are being implemented correctly, in line with the DfE’s ARA.

We have been invigilated regularly for both Year 6 and Year 1 and never had any issues.

Schools are externally moderated on a regular cycle to check that the teacher judgements about attainment are correct. In the past three years, we have been checked for Early Years, Year 2 and Year 6; our judgements were deemed accurate.



ARA 2019 KS2 -

ARA 2019 KS1 -

ARA 2019 EYFS -