A few photographs showing the fun we had during Science Week.
8 images
Church of England Distinctiveness
39 images
A range of images that show just how we embrace our Christian ethos.
Expansion Project 2016 - 2017
22 images
We are due to become a two-form entry school with a substantial building project.
British Values
26 images
A gallery showcasing some of the activities that develop children's understanding of democracy, rule of law, mutual respect and the traditions of our country.
Geography In Our School
28 images
We love learning about the world around us.
Science Week 2019
57 images
29 images
Religious Education
24 images
We believe it is important that children have an understanding of a wide range of faiths. We teach children about being spiritual but to think for themselves.
Fordham PTFA Fun Run 2018
11 images
The first fun run of its kind in the village. It was a great success with over 80 children, parents and community members taking part.
Early Years
3 images
Our Reception aged children have so much fun in their learning as you can see from these photographs.
Book Week 2018
10 images
An amazing array of activities.