Letter re School Closure Day
Dear Parents / Carers,
Re: School Closure on Friday 3rd March 2017
This morning, Keith Grimwade (Director for Learning at the Local Authority) has acknowledged our safety concerns and has made the decision to close the school on Friday 3rd March for children only. This will enable staff to move classroom furniture, IT equipment and set up the new spaces without fear of hurting any children or leaving them under-supervised. Other local schools are also having additional days for similar reasons.
The county will be issuing a formal letter to you all but, with half-term looming, we wanted to let you know as soon as possible.
This also means that we will no longer need to hold the physical furniture sale tomorrow; we will be emailing parents / carers with a small catalogue of items instead.
If you are still able to help with the move, we would love your support as there are many boxes to pack in the run up to the handover date of Monday 6th March. This date will be a usual school day with children lining up on the back playground as usual.
For those parents concerned with children attending after school and breakfast clubs linked to the pre-school, please be assured that the children will be escorted through the building and will not need to walk the pavement perimeter to get to school.
As always, we thank you for your support and please do contact us with any concerns.
With warmest regards,
Mrs. Kate Coates