Fordham Primary School

Fordham Primary School

School Milk and Meals including free school meals

We feel that school meals are an important part of the school day and help children to socialise appropriately whilst demonstrating etiquette such as using a knife and fork. 

Our food is prepared within our school kitchen and provided to the school by Lunchtime Co. 

Each term the choice menu changes and will be uploaded here for your perusal:

Autumn 2024

Autumn 2 Week beg. 4th November 2024


We also promote drinking milk in school.  Children under 5 are given a carton of milk free each day as are children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding (see further down for information regarding Free School Meals).  Parents are also allowed to pay for their children to have milk - just pop into the school office and pick up a form.

Parent Pay

We no longer accept any cash payments and operate an on-line payment system called Parent Pay. This is for dinner money, school trips and all other payments.  It does not cover payment for After School/Lunchtime Clubs organised by outside agencies, who make their own payment arrangements.

Parent Pay offers you the freedom to make these payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available.

You will be given your own personal log-on details and if you have more than one child at the school or you are already registered with Parent Pay, then the accounts can be merged giving you future access using a single set of log-on details.  If you cannot access a computer, arrangements can be made wither at school or you will be issued with a bar code to enable you to make payments at local shops.

Please note that dinners cannot be booked online – only paid for. The dinner register is taken every morning and your child should inform the class teacher whether they require school dinner or packed lunch.

Free School Meals

We have created this page to give parents / carers more information about eligibility and the application for free school meals.  If you require additional information or support, please contact the school office who will happily (and discretely) help.

Universal Free School Meals

Those in Key Stage 1 and Early Years are entitled to a free lunch under the banner of 'Universal Free School Meals'.  However, once the children are in Year 3 and start Key Stage 2, these meals are then only available at a chargeable rate unless they are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).  

Free School Meals

The Local Authority are able to check your eligibility for FSM via a secure Government website.  All you need to do is complete this form and return it to school:

Free School Meals Application Form 2024-2025

Regardless of a child's year group, it is worth applying for FSM from the moment they come to school.  This is because there is additional funding that is allocated to schools for children whom have a disadvantaged background.  The funding is known as Pupil Premium. 

Pupil Premium

If your family is eligible, additional funding is made available to our school by the Government.  We can then use this to support your child's learning and access to the curriculum.  If you are eligible for FSM, you are also eligible for Pupil Premium.  This money is sent directly to the school to organise appropriate provisions based on the needs of all children receiving the premium. 

Even if your circumstances change and you are no longer eligible for FSM / Pupil Premium, your children will be entitled to the funding for six consecutive years. This is known as Ever6 funding.

Further Information

We understand the terminology can be a little confusing so please read the Local Authority documentation below for further information or visit our Pupil Premium page to see how we spend the funding:

For more information, click here for the Cambridgeshire County Council website.