The School Day
The school gates open shortly before the start / end of the school day. The doors are opened at 8.45am. The class teacher will be in the classroom, and the register will be taken at 8.55am. Please be aware that children are parents' responsibility until the bell goes at 8:55am and after 3:15pm. The school gates will be locked promptly to secure the site.
To ensure their safety, we kindly ask that children under school age do not play on the school equipment nor in the gazebo; they should be in close proximity of their parents at all times.
8:55 Bell goes, all children to be in their classroom
9:00 Registers are taken up to the school office by monitors (chosen by the class teacher)
9:05 Collective Worship for all children (Reception join when it is appropriate)
10:30 -10:45 EYFS/Y5/Y6 Break
10.45 - 11:00 Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4 Break
10.45 / 11:00 Back to lessons
11:45 / 11:55 / 12.00 / 12:15 Lunches staggered according to Key Stage*
12:50 / 1:00 / 1:15 Afternoon session starts, staggered according to Key Stage*
15:00 ERIC (Everybody Reading In Class) - sharing high quality texts together
15:15 KS1 End of day
15:20 KS2 End of day
*KS2 have to have a slightly longer day, hence the shorter lunch break.
Protocol for the end of the school day should children not be collected:
At the end of the day, children should be collected promptly. Our protocol for uncollected children is in line with the Local Authority's:
- All contact numbers will be called.
- Should there be no response, children will be placed in After School Club at a cost to the parents.
- If at 4:00pm there is still no response, Social Care will be called and a referral will be made to them.